Thursday, 23 February 2017



THRIVE back with a new songs!! OMG I love this!! No one can't resist thsi group! This group too much power with Hanae Natsuki, Toyonaga Toshiyuki and Kazuki Kato!!

I love this group so much so I hope you will love this song as do I!


Saturday, 18 February 2017


Hello, Hello!

LAGRANGE POINT new song!!!!!!!!! Kyaaaaaaaaa ♥♥♥ I love this song so much! I know that Senpai will never disappoint me~! MIKOTO and Iwasaki Daisuke also!

I don't have many things to say because I know that you know how I feel! 
Tosshi is the best!! Shy-sama is the best! Kira-senpai too!!

So here Revolution XX!!

MARGINAL#4 (Nomura L&Nomura R) : Melty♥Love♥Cooking

Hello, guys!

NEW futago song!!! OMG totally love this song, So long time not listen their new song and the last time is Manatsu no Justice from UFO single!

As always the cute and my favourite twin ever sing a cute song too. And my favourite their song is Moeyo LOVE MUSCLE! I really miss that song and I want to listen to it right now.

So here the Melty♥Love♥Cooking!

MARGINAL#4 : Shinobi -Just A HEAVEN-

Hello, guys!

FINALLY! Maji4 come back with their powerful, energetic song again! Now I feel like the old Maji4, they are back. I know that all Maji4's song are good but this song! THIS SONG! I really love this song so much. And I read at others blog said that Magi4 has lost their track and then I listen to their old song. AND! I found something that bother me. MAYBE, their recent song lack of dummy head mic(?) THAT'S my opinion, I don't know others but still if it's MARGINAL#4, I will love them from the bottom of my heart!

SO, Shinobi - Just A HEAVEN - really give me a new hope to live (LOL) and I know that MIKOTO and Iwasaki Daisuke will never disappoint me and others fans too.

And here the lyrics!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

MARGINAL#4 : WeMe!!!! lyrics

Hello, guys!

At last MG#4 anime airing!! OMG I'm so happy!! AND here I again, 'romaji'ing the lyrics! I feel like to screaming listening the full of WeMe!! I'M SCREAMING but no one cam hear that. The song as always is the best for me. I put my trust to Rejet, because I know Rejet is the best.

About the anime also, OH MY GOD, my sons are moving, senpaitachi(LAGRANGE POINT) too, When Unicorn Jr. will out. /////  Can't wait to hear the other endings songs too.

About MG#4 Rhythm Game also, it will be release on PS VITA ONLY. I don't have PS VITA, so I'm just crying here.

Okay, Let's Sing Together!

Cover illustration by Kirishima Sou.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Hello 2017!

Hello, guys!

Sorry for being inactive and hiatus for about 9 months(?) OMG I didn't notice that. So this year I will be active again(back to work) and update more about my favourite things.

I also want to inform you all that I will be run a wordpress under name Pythagoras Idol , yes about Marginal#4, Lagrange Point and Unicorn Junior. ( Wordpress ) so new update and lyrics will be there and other than Marginal#4 will be here. I will post others lyrics here. Don't worry I will manage this blog too. This blog is too precious for me.

I ALSO have run the project that I have post on 15 MARCH here. And yeah, you are my blog reader you know what project I mean. This post. So I start with IChu Fan merchandise, butron badge! So if you interested to buy, you can contact me. You can know the details here.

Hope you all can buy my merchandise. It's really help me a lot so I can run this blog with many things such as album download. You also can donate to me. Even $1 really mean so much to me.

That's all.
Many things I will update later and please looking forward it.
I hope you have a nice day ✧*。( ´∩•͈ω•͈∩` )✧*。