Thursday, 16 April 2015

TUTORIAL : How I Color My Art [PART 1]

Hello, guys.

Okay, here I want to teach you all how to color our drawing use Paint Tool SAI for non-drawing tablet user~
Someone request and ask to teach her How do I color my art. So here I will teach you ^^

Here is the finished lineart. I also don't have drawing tablet so I take a picture of my art that I have draw on a piece of paper and then transfer it to my laptop ^^
okay here let's start!

1. Click Magic tool. Select the part that you want to color(my is skin).
   And the choose/click at 'Linework 1' layer which is your lineart that you have done earlier.

2. Opss, there are a area that doesn't filled!
   Don't worry click 'Select' and select back at the part that doesn't selected.

3. Tada~. It's filled with the blue color!
   Then make a new layer, select bucket and fill out the part that you have selected.

4. Jang~ it' will become like this~

5. Repeat the same steps until you done it!

* To avoid you forget which is hair layer, skin layer, or what-so-ever,
  you can name it by clicking at the layer 2 times and then it will pop up and then you can change the layers name ^^

Okay here is the result! Good Luck~

* If you have any question and feedback, please message me to my twitter account ^^

<<< Coming Up Next [TUTORIAL] : How I Color My Art [Part 2] which I will show you how I color/make shadow(?) at my art. >>>

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